A few changes to the site…..

Sorry, that I have been absent the past week or so, there has been a lot going on and I must say, thank goodness for automatic comic updates.

With SDCC (San Diego Comic Con) just two weeks away, I find myself busier than usual. This is a good and bad thing. The good thing is I will have all sorts of new goodies at our booth this year. The bad news is I will be really busy the next few weeks in preparing for the event.  I will though keep you posted.

As you noticed I have pulled the gallery down. I was kind of unhappy with it and have decided that I needed to re-evaluate it’s purpose. I wanted people to be able to comment on individual pieces and not just one piece at a time. I am looking at a few new gallery plug-ins but I might just log all my prints and artwork under a new category. Still trying to figure this all out.

Issue 6 is going smooth. I still have much to do and we are now looking at a release date of late august. With my 3 month schedule set up from issue 1 I am still about a month ahead. I am taking a small break right now these next few weeks, to focus on a variety smaller art pieces which I will posting every few days.

Well I am still working on a few tweaks here and there and hopefully I will have another update tonight.
