Issue 1 almost sold out!

Issue 1 almost gone!

It’s a great feeling to see how well received issue 1 has been of the web comic. Mind you know Issue 5 just came out, yet I know it takes time for people to pick up a hard copy.

The reviews (which you can read here) have been good as well. I will admit it is a completely different experience reading the comic in a hard copy format rather than only seeing one page at a time. You can actually see how well the transition pages are set up and the flow is so much stronger.

Issue 6 is about halfway done. I do not think I will have it for SDCC, but that is ok. I still have the first 5 and realistically issue 6 is not due until the end of august. I really am excited about seeing the entire story finally come to life in this way.

Issue 7 news is that the script is almost done. I added a few things you won’t find in the novels. It really helped a few things make a little more sense to me.  I am also ready to start scripting Issue 8. I feel right about this and if all works well by sdcc next year there will 10 comic books if not more.

So if you still want a signed copy of issue 1 (with a sketch) you will need to order it. I do plan to do a second print run but that will be in a while. My main focus is getting the rest of the series done. Only by your help can I do that.

CLICK HERE TO ORDER BOOK 1 you can also grab the rest of the series here.

Thanks again to all those that have supported the bean. It has helped keep my dream alive.
