kids – Life of the Party Realities of and RPG The greatest RPG adventure ever.... Mondays through Friday Tue, 01 Apr 2014 05:32:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 kids – Life of the Party Realities of and RPG 32 32 Shop Talk: Why sketch for FREE? Tue, 01 Apr 2014 05:05:24 +0000

1457740_10203100792908345_1454005167_nBehind the table at a con-
One of the greatest things I have learned from doing shows is the importance of interaction. Especially with the kids. There is a reason I do FREE “Quick” (that’s the magic word) sketches. Not masterpieces, just sketches and that is because it allows me to take a moment and talk to people. Especially the kids. They are our future fans, our future creators and our future supporters. There is power in the quick sketch… it is a door way into the imagination of others and the ability to foster communication between creator and fan. I find that these moments are incredibly special.

People have said i should charge for my sketches or not do them at all because i take money opportunities away from other pros (yes, really), but i wont. I can’t, because it takes away from the moment, the opportunity to create an incredible connection. Every year i am given ideas from small and old that range from kittens to princess to ponies to zombie robots to dragons to hippos dressed as storm troopers. The sketch is very very simple, nothing more than a quick doodle, yet it is the smile that I enjoy. The eyes that light up, the laughter of joke, or the fact that a pro took a moment to create something special just for them.

That’s what it is all about. I do do commissions at shows, but they are secondary – the quick free sketch will always come first. Always. I have found that over the years, that sketch has made some wonderful friends, created some beautiful memories and have brought me to tears at times as I learn some of their stories.

I have watched more shy, timid little sweet kids come out their shells, when I ask them what they want me to draw, and then follow up with questions directed just to them. About what they like, what they want to do, and that they are important. I have seen it in adults as well. They stand a little taller with a smile a little broader as they leave the table with a little piece of paper that was their idea and that i just drew.

That is why i do it. It’s not about the sale or the money. That comes on it’s own. It’s about creating a connection, building a relationship and strengthening a bond that in many cases has lasted for 15 years.

If more pros understood the value of a quick 3×3 free sketch- and how it builds a nice connection with an audience, which builds up a fanbase, who are very willing to support the creator that takes a moment just for them.

Some people will not get, some people want to rush it, some people wont wait which means they miss the opportunity for the possibility of a little magic. To those that visit the table and ask…. you already know what the magic is all about.

So all those that have stopped and asked for a sketch (I have done about 20,000 in the last 15 years) I say thank you. Thank you for hanging out with me. For sharing a little bit of you and making me realize that there is much more to being an artist and sitting behind a table than i originally thought. To those that support my art thank you as well…. I know many of my supporters have come from the simple question of “hey would you like a Free sketch?”

There is a lot of power in those words.
Keep creating



Living in your imagination 12: Summer Days Tue, 31 Jul 2012 21:14:09 +0000

Summer Days 17×22

As a kid there is a primary song that I love, that talks about all the cool things one can do in the summer time. I can remember doing something similar at a family camp out one year as a teen. It is a nice memory.

Also we are 900 shy of the 10000 mark- which means 8 more pages to the book.

Keep creating.

the Power of Imagination : new print Fri, 10 Sep 2010 18:06:08 +0000

I am in the mode of working on two new prints. Actually I am working on 4 new prints with 5 more in the wings waiting to enter the concept stage, yet I felt compelled to share them with you. They will each be colored and I will post the final inks later on.

As a kid, there was nothing one couldn’t do with their imagination. Worlds were saved or conquered, all with the help of a few card board boxes. The more friends you had sometimes meant the bigger the ship. My friend and I built some legendary space ships in his garage on a camper. We went everywhere, from deep underwater to the farthest regions of the cosmos.

Today is no different- We are only limited by ourselves. After a while people stop trying. As a kid you never stopped. The greatest minds never stop trying. The find ways to figure it out and sometimes with that comes many failures. Which is good, failure makes you learn to try something different. Not to give up on the dream, but to maybe take another approach at making it all work.

So keep dreaming and exercise that incredible power of imagination. You never know when you might actually need it one day.

